A Grief Story of Hope

My mom and best friend passed away in a tragic car accident in October of 2020. In the beginning of grief, my instinct was to isolate, to stay stuck in the grief, because moving forward meant I wasn’t honoring my mom. But what’s interesting about having a praying mom my whole life, a teaching mom. I heard her in my mind, a nudge not to settle into the grief. 

Allow myself to feel, but make a choice to face those feelings head on, instead of running from them, I feel them and I put myself in environments for help. I got into therapy, I put myself in a church community, in a grief group, signed up for mindset coaching, and asked a church leader to be my mentor. I’m not trying to say how I did grief is the only way, because I honor that everyone grieves differently; but I do want to share for those that are seeking a way to get unstuck.

The enemy wants us to get stuck, he wants us to stay in the trauma. But God wants us to move through the trauma, he doesn’t cause the trauma, but he will use it to shape your character and your heart.

So while you might think you aren’t ready, the hard truth is you won’t ever feel fully ready to heal. So fight back, and make a decision to take one step, despite the feelings that it’s impossible or too hard. It takes grit to press into what God is doing in you and through you. It takes an awareness and a full surrender that God's plan is better. 

My grief journey led me to Mindset with Megan, I made a choice to say yes to God to use my story, turn my pain for His glory. You can live with peace even through the hardest trials with God. Grieving with Hope is possible. My heart now sees how God sees me and my goal is for everyone to have the awareness that this revelation brings. 


Mother’s Day in Grief


Day 7 | Easter Sunday - The Resurrection